Professional Dental Staff
All our professionals at Noland Dental maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay abreast of the latest trends in dentistry.
Oregon requires 40 hours of continuing education every 2 years for dentists.
Currently Noland Dental has over 460 hours of continuing education since 2008. That fulfills all state requirements and shows a commitment to dental excellence. That's over 92 hours per year!
Mission Statement
Our practice is working together to realize a shared vision of uncompromising excellence in dentistry.
To fulfill this mission, we are committed to:
Listening to those we are privileged to serve.
Earn the trust and respect of patients, profession and community.
Exceed your expectations.
Ensure a creative, challenging and compassionate professional environment.
Strive for continuous improvement at all levels.
Take a look at some of our work!
A satisfied denture patient shown in Before and After videos. The patient is first shown with an existing ill fitting denture. It flopped down with a metal partial that did not even fit and it hurt the patient. Now with a solid upper acrylic denture and a light-weight lower partial, that fits great, the patient recently went out for a steak dinner!
These teeth appeared to have no recurrent decay when looking at digital radiographs. However, there were multiple occlusal open margins with marginal recurrent decay and significant decay under restorations #3 and #4. Grey soft decayed dentin with removed with small spoons and #6 round bur on slow speed. VitraBond was placed 0.5mm on dentin floor to protect the nerve and prevent sensitivity. No post-operative problems 4 years later.
A conservative approach upholding the research that bonded restorations can provide some cuspal support while restoring margin integrity. Future crowns may be placed for full cuspal coverage and a better aesthetic.